Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return a product?

Yes! You have 30 days from receipt of your order to request a return.

How should I proceed to return an order?

You must fill out the contact form in order to exercise your right of free termination, communicating your decision to terminate the purchase contract through a written statement stating this intention unequivocally.

Who will bear the expenses related to the termination of the contract?

The return of the product and the shipping cost will be borne by the customer, which will be deducted/deducted from the amount to be refunded.

What amount will I have to bear upon terminating the contract?

For returns originating in mainland Portugal, you will have to bear the costs of packaging the product, if you no longer have the packaging you received, as well as transport costs, the value of which is €5.90.

For returns originating in the Island of Madeira and the Azores Archipelago, you will have to bear the costs of packaging the product, if you no longer have the packaging you received, as well as transport costs whose value is support varies depending on weight and dimension (volumetric weight).

For returns originating abroad, you will have to bear the costs of packaging the product, if you no longer have the packaging you received, as well as transport costs, the value of which varies depending on the weight. and dimension (volumetric weight). There may be an extra cost for this collection.

How the return is processed?

If the shipment originates in Portugal, after receiving and authorizing your return request, you will be sent, by email, a label that will have an expiration date of 15 days, which you must print and affix it to the return packaging for delivery to one of the CTT Post Offices. Pack it as best as you can and remember that the product must remain intact and in its original packaging.

If the shipment originates abroad, after receipt and authorization of your return request, it will be A collection is requested at the address indicated by the customer. In this case, it is the courier who will carry the shipping label and the customer simply has to deliver the item on the indicated date. Pack it as best as you can and remember that the product must remain intact and in its original packaging.

In all of the above-mentioned situations, the customer may choose to send the items to be returned to the address indicated in the resolution authorization by choosing a carrier or shipping method other than that provided by Brincatoys.

What is the amount to be refunded to the customer in case of return?

The refund of the amount to the customer will always be for the value of the item(s) returned, deducting the costs inherent in returning the product, when these have been borne by Brincatoys. The seller (BRINCATOYS) will not support/refund the amount paid by the customer for sending their original order. In case of return, the shipping cost will be covered by the customer.

The amount to be returned always takes into account any promotions or discounts applied to the order.

For better clarification of the conditions for exercising the right to Free Termination of the Contract, you should consult point 12 et seq. of the General Conditions.

Return form