Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return a product?

Yes! You have 30 days from receipt of your order to request a return.

How should I proceed to return an order?

You must request a return via our website or by contacting us directly. You will receive a QR code or a label by email with detailed instructions. Pack the item appropriately in a cardboard box, display the QR code or affix the printed label to the packaging and deliver it to a DPD Pickup point of your choice or deliver it free of charge directly to our store.

Who will bear the expenses related to terminating the contract?

The cost of the return is borne by the customer, with a fixed fee of €5.99 being applied for returns made via DPD in mainland Portugal. Alternatively, you can return the item free of charge in our store.

What amount will I have to bear upon terminating the contract?

For returns made from mainland Portugal via DPD, a fixed fee of €5.99 will be charged. There are no additional costs if you choose to return directly to the store.

For returns from the Islands (Madeira and Azores) or abroad, please contact us directly for detailed information on specific applicable costs.

How is the return processed?

After confirming your return request, you will receive a QR code or a label by email for return to a DPD collection point. Carefully pack the item in a suitable box, display the QR code or affix the printed label to the packaging, and take it to a DPD collection point of your choice. You can also return the item free of charge directly to our physical store.

In all cases, the item must be in perfect condition, with no signs of use, and accompanied by the original packaging.

What is the amount to be refunded to the customer in the event of a return?

The refund will correspond to the value of the returned items, minus the fixed amount of €5.99 for return shipping costs via DPD (where applicable). The initial shipping cost will not be refunded.

If you choose to return the item directly to the store, you will be reimbursed for the full value of the returned items, without any discount being applied.

For additional details on general conditions for returns and contract termination, please consult the returns policy available on our website.

For further clarification on the conditions for exercising the right to Free Termination of the Contract, please consult point 12 and following of the general conditions .

Return form